a thought for the day about knowing god

5/5/24 Word Count – 431 Reading Time – 2 minutes

Worshipping God is an important aspect of Christianity. For me, it is far easier to worship God the more I know about God. The conundrum is that we humans do not have the ability to truly know God. God exists outside of our capacity to understand because there is no other thing in existence, or that we are able to imagine,  that can represent a complete picture of God.

As humans we are stuck in a mind space in which our brains require reference points to form thoughts. Even our imaginations need to build from some foundational thought. Original ideas spring from perceptions of reality.

We have been told in the Bible that God is Spirit. As we develop our spirit perhaps we will get a clearer view of God. Some really smart people have noted that God exists even outside the realm of being. The idea that God exists between the molecules throughout the universe is even too confining.

So, to know God we must content ourselves with savoring the glimpses we get of His character. In our present human condition we simply don’t have the processing speed and power to wrap our brains around the complete picture. Like Moses hidden behind the rock to shield his full vision as God passed by, we are shielded from a full understanding of God to prevent our being utterly destroyed by the immense impact  of merely being exposed to His full glory. In that same encounter God replied to Moses’ question about who God is by telling Moses “I am Who I am.”  I believe the implication is, as Jack Nicholson so aptly stated to Tom Cruise in “A Few Good Men”…”You want the truth? You can ‘t handle the truth”.

One day we hope to be able to handle the truth and gain a full understanding of the magnificence of God. It seems to me that in order to see God we must be looking with spiritual eyes that are unencumbered by the veil of physical reality. The veil of physical reality enables us to find our way through the materialistic world, but it can obscure our view of the spiritual dimension. Until the day comes when our spiritual eyes are fully opened we should continue to seek the furtive glances of Him that help us form the image we continue to develop. The more we read the Bible the clearer the picture becomes. The closer we examine nature, God’s creation, the clearer the picture becomes. And as the, puzzle pieces come together and our understanding grows, we worship God more and more. Not because we are required to, but because we can’t help it.

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